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Infant & Preschool-Age Services

Parents of infants and children aged 0-5 years are often concerned as to whether a child’s behavior is atypical or age-appropriate. In a time of such rapid development and varying behaviors - it can be difficult to know what to expect and what to do. 

As a parent or caregiver, you may find yourself with one of these concerns:

  • I feel like my child’s behavior is out of control and nothing I do seems to work.
  • My child is having a hard time adjusting to not having both parents in the home with them.
  • Leaving my child with others is a struggle, they get so anxious when I am away.
  • I want to connect with my child, but I am not sure what to do or how to bond with them.
  • My child is scared of everything - I don’t want them to miss out on new experiences.
  • I want my child to be able to say how they feel, and build a “tool box” of things I can help them do to feel better.
  • My child experienced something traumatic and now they are acting differently.

Whether you found yourself saying “that's my child!” or have another concern, CPI is here to help. 

CPI’s Child & Family Counseling team includes mental health professionals trained in Early Childhood Mental Health. We are experienced in providing developmentally informed, specialty services to this young population, and have trained as part of the Infant Parent Mental Health Postgraduate Certificate Program offered through UMass, Boston, and through other early childhood education programs. Our clinical staff participates in ongoing training and consultation in working with infants, preschoolers, families, and parent-child dyads. 

Assessment, treatment, consultation, training, and parenting support using evidence-based modalities such as Triple P (Positive Parenting Program) is available through both our counseling and parent education departments. We know that young children respond best to more creative and hands-on interventions. All of our therapists utilize a mixture of play, art, story telling, and other creative interventions to help children learn, grow, heal, and process in a developmentally appropriate way. We would love to speak with you about why and how we use these modalities further if you have questions.  

*Our waitlist is now open, please contact our Intake specialist at 707-585-6108 ext 1100 to learn more about our services.

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